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Whether you are just now checking out the top programs in the country or you are halfway through your semester, you might already know that “nursing clinicals” are a key component of a comprehensive nursing education.

While traditional didactic learning (such as attending lectures and taking exams) is a critical part of any education, aspiring nurses must also obtain the nursing skills and experience you need to work safely and effectively with patients.1 This is what nursing clinicals provide. The clinical experience also helps prepare students for the pressures, demands, and joys of the profession.

But what are nursing school clinical needs, exactly? And how many clinical hours for nursing school are required?

We have the answers to these questions (and more) below.

Arizona State Clinical Hour Requirements for Nursing Students

The number of clinical nursing hours—or supervised instruction and practice—you will need varies from school to school and state to state. Some students may have to perform clinical rotations for several semesters. Others may have to conduct nursing clinicals for several years.

Ultimately, the number of hours you are required will depend on your:

  • Degree (such as an associate degree in nursing versus a master’s in nursing)
  • Program length
  • Program structure
  • State requirements

That said, every RN hopeful must complete their clinical experiences before you can apply for licensure and start working directly with patients.

Considering a nursing school in Arizona? You will need to have anywhere from 500-800 clinical hours completed within the nursing program before you can apply for licensure.2 Read our three-step guide to become a registered nurse in Arizona for more information.

All of this may sound like a lot, especially once you factor in coursework, studying, your personal life, and whether you will be working or engaged in a work-study program on your educational journey. And yet, the skills, insights, and knowledge you will get through hands-on experience may be invaluable.

Plus, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Executive programs at Alliant International University are structured to support the clinical hours you will need to meet state clinical requirements.

4 Ways to Gain Clinical Hours as a Nursing Student

You might think that all of your clinical hours will be obtained at a single facility. While that may be true for some students, clinical experiences can take place in a variety of healthcare settings, such as:3

  • Critical and intensive care units
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Long-term healthcare facilities
  • Mental health facilities

Let us take a look at how you can “gain entry” to opportunities within these environments (and more).

#1. School-Affiliated Clinical Rotations

School-affiliated clinical rotations refer to rotations that are performed at your school’s partnering healthcare facilities.

This may have several positive impacts. Not only do these programs provide students with structure, but they may also open students up to a wide range of specialties, like:

  • Geriatrics
  • Emergency care
  • Pediatrics 
  • Surgery

This alone will expose you to the diversity of healthcare needs (and the diversity of patients); what’s more, it might inspire you to focus on a nursing specialty later in your career.

#2. Volunteering in Healthcare Settings

Volunteering can be an immensely rewarding and worthwhile experience, one that will supplement and enhance what you learn in your clinical experiences (and the classroom) while also enabling you to give back to your community. Further, Nurse Journal suggests that employers like to see volunteer experience on applicants’ resumes.4

Volunteering can be accomplished in an array of healthcare settings, such as:5

  • Hospitals (where you might shadow and assist a senior nurse in several different units)
  • Senior care facilities
  • Medical corps facilities, like vaccination clinics, first aid administration, and disaster relief

One of the biggest benefits of volunteering in multiple environments is that it can familiarize you with a broad variety of settings, needs, health conditions, and people.

#3. Internships and Externships

Internships and externships may further expand your skill set and knowledge base. Let’s look at both:

  • Internships – Internships provide nursing students with the real-world experience you need to enter the profession with confidence.6 As you might imagine, these are usually done at many of the healthcare facilities previously mentioned, like hospitals, private doctor’s offices, and rehab centers. So, how can you find either a paid or unpaid internship that aligns with your needs and desires—and helps you fulfill your nursing clinicals? Speak with the career counselor at your nursing school, discuss the possibility with your instructors, attend job fairs and recruiting events, and check out job boards and internship databases.
  • Externships – Externships, on the other hand, are considered the bridge between nursing school and employment.7 Also referred to as a preceptorship, they, too, provide students with hands-on experience, primarily through shadowing an experienced RN. They are similar to internships in some ways but tend to be shorter. Externships can help new nurses build competency, strengthen self-assuredness, and decrease anxiety. They may also help nursing students learn how to interact well with other healthcare professionals.

#4. Simulated Clinical Experience

Simulated clinical experience refers to a teaching method and strategy in a controlled environment. The simulated healthcare setting is created to help students practice their skills and techniques safely. The idea behind it? To put theoretical knowledge into practice.

For example, a student actor may pretend to have a health condition that needs immediate attention. Another student will conduct a patient assessment, analyze the data, confer with the physician, and perform a “treatment,” all without placing an actual patient’s health at risk.

Nursing Programs

4 Tips to Prepare for Your Clinical Hours

But before we discuss how to gain clinical hours, let's discuss some tips for nursing students in their first year to help you navigate this new journey.

Learning in a classroom or simulation lab is remarkably different than applying your knowledge in a real-life setting, complete with patients in need. If you are feeling nervous about it, rest assured that all nurses, no matter their expertise now, were once in your shoes.

Additionally, the following tips can help make sure you feel well-prepared for the rigors that await.

#1. Familiarize Yourself with the Facility

One way to feel confident is to get to know each facility. This could entail:

  • Researching, reviewing, and maybe even memorizing the hospital or healthcare center’s procedures and policies
  • Arriving well in advance of your first shift to explore its layout and flow
  • Introducing yourself to key members of a unit or floor on the first day

The goal here is to quiet your anxiety and help you feel more capable as you learn.

#2. Review Your Skills and Theoretical Knowledge

It is also important to brush up on your clinical skills prior to starting your rotations, such as practicing drawing blood and administering medications intravenously. Also, if you are entering a specialized unit, such as labor and delivery, you may want to refresh your knowledge by returning to your textbooks or conducting a fresh round of research.

#3. Be Ready to Ask Questions and Seek Feedback

Clinical experiences are a special part of your education—consider it a rare opportunity to gain critical insights and advice from the pros.

With this in mind, make a point to ask questions when they arise and ask your clinical instructor (or the nurse you are shadowing) for their honest feedback. Keep in mind that it is completely normal, if not expected, to carry around a small notebook and take notes throughout your shift.

#4. Practice Time Management and Organization

Effective time management and organization skills are fundamental to succeeding as a nurse. Strengthen both before you officially enter the workforce by:

  • Reviewing your schedule in advance and planning accordingly
  • Sticking to your routine
  • Logging your hours
  • Planning your rounds
  • Organizing your supplies before you step into your facility

What to Expect During Your Clinical Rotations

How will your clinical experiences unfold?

Good question. They may be anywhere from eight to twelve hours long and include clinical training (and/or refining) a host of nursing tasks, such as:

  • Interacting effectively with a multidisciplinary healthcare team
  • Assessing patients
  • Practicing communication with patients
  • Drafting care plans
  • Administering medications
  • Performing treatments and procedures
  • Documenting a patient’s progress
  • Updating medical records
  • Monitoring vital signs

How Our Program Supports You in Meeting Clinical Hour Requirements

Clinical experiences are a crucial part of becoming a nurse. That is why Alliant International University is committed to supporting its students in meeting clinical hour requirements. More specifically, Alliant:

  • Provides guidance on securing a clinical placement
  • Supplies dedicated support and supervision during clinical hours
  • Offers advice on meeting clinical expectations
  • Encourages building professional relationships during your clinical rotations, which may help you post-graduation (and post-licensure)

Nursing Clinical FAQs

Still, have some questions regarding nursing clinicals? Review four of the most common FAQs below.

  • Can I volunteer hours toward my required clinical hours? – Volunteering may provide you with invaluable experience, but clinical hours usually must be completed during school-affiliated rotations.
  • What should I wear for clinical rotations? – Most healthcare facilities will require you to wear scrubs and closed-toe shoes.
  • How do I balance clinical hours with coursework? – This is accomplished by balancing the four pillars of health: sound nutrition, adequate sleep, sufficient exercise, and smart stress-busting activities. Plus, some programs, such as the nursing programs at Alliant International University, offer students resources on time management.
  • Are there online options for clinical hours? – This depends. In Arizona, nursing school clinical needs must be performed in person. However, be sure to check with your nursing program for more specific guidance.

Start Your Nursing Journey at Alliant 

If you are eager to make a difference in the lives of others, nursing may be the ideal fit.

Consider jumpstarting your profession at Alliant International University. Whether you are interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or a Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Executive, Alliant is committed to giving you the skills and education you need to thrive in the world of healthcare.


  1. "What to Expect During Nursing Clinicals.” Nursing World. November 15, 2023.…. Accessed November 14, 2024.
  2. “Apply for a License.” Arizona Board of Nursing. Accessed November 14, 2024. 
  3. Ghani, S. “FAQs about what to expect in nursing school clinicals.” August 15, 2024.…. Accessed November 14, 2024.
  4. Morris, G., MSN. “10 Ways to Gain Professional Nursing Experience.” October 23, 2024.…. Accessed November 14, 2024.
  5. Guarniere, A. “Nursing Student Volunteer Opportunities (Top 5 Resume Boosters).” The Résumé Rx, December 6, 2022. Accessed November 14, 2024.
  6. Deering, Maura. “Nursing Internships and Practicums.” April 1, 2024. Accessed November 14, 2024.
  7. D., Sophia. “Nursing Externships: All You Need to Know: Lecturio Nursing.” Lecturio, May 12, 2023.…. Accessed November 14, 2024.

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